Accu-Weld 4100 AC/4200 CD Vacuum Welder
The 4200 CD provides vacuum and special gas backfill capabilities with or without a dry box, making the 4200 the ideal head for R&D and special applications. After evacuation, simply fill with any inert gas to produce the required atmosphere.
Hermetically seals microelectronic and opto electronic packages:
- DIP packages , TO, optical , semiconductor, crystal and custom packages
- Seals to MIL SPEC 883
- Adjustable head and trave l speed
- Levels down to 10 milli torr at the seal point are easily achievable
- Stand alone or enclosed in an atmosphere chamber
- Pre-aligned/indexed electrodes for easy dressing and changing
- Economical power supply provided for high through-put, flexibility and accuracy
- Self –diagnostics with error read–out
- Multiple seal cycle modes
- Sealing Voltage up to 23 Volts DC, User Selectable
- CE certified
- Dimensions: Approximately 70″ Deep X 80″ Long X 50” High
- Weight: Approximately 2500 lbs.
4200 CD Vacuum Single-Station Sealer
- Heat pulse amplitude fully controllable
- Energy output independent of power fluctuations
- Short, high intensity pulse reduces peripheral build–up of heat and concentrates energy in seal zone
- Designed for delicate materials, larger package sizes and line voltage variations
- May be configured with output ranges from 1,000 to 7,000 Joules
- Transformers coordinated w ith power supply output levels for utmost efficiencys