Accu-Weld 1100 Spot Welder
We applied the technology developed for hermetic seal welding to precision spot welding and got dramatic results. The precise control of current and force by the Accu-Weld 1100 Spot Welder delivers better yields than other spot welders. And the lower initial investment for the Accu-Weld 1100
Spot Welder means faster paybacks.
- Available with AC or+/- DC current
- Welds a wide variety of part sizes and materials including wire welding
- Microprocessor controlled with key pad entry and
LED read-out - Power supplies available:
– 1.0 KVA, 3.5V -Secondary current 90 amps to 1500 amps
– 7.5 KVA. 7V -Secondary current up to 5.000 amps - Direct energy AC welding equivalent to 500 watt seconds (Joules)
- Electrode arms may be moved vertically, horizontally or rotated for precise opposed or offset welding
- Constant pressure during welding with a force of
4 lbf. to 15 lbf. - Three-point weld frame to maintain proper alignment of weld head
- Throat Depth: 2.5″ to 4.5″
- Maximum electrode gap: 1.5″ to 3.5″
- Squeeze time: 5 to 99 cycles
- Weld time: 1 to 10 cycles

- Percent power: 20% to 99%
- Air operation: 15 psi to 80 psi
- Features reversible, inexpensive electrodes
- Foot switch for weld cycle initiation
- Cooling fan for electronics
- Self-diagnostic, error-code readout
- Easy-to-read production counter
- Weld/no weld feature
- Size: 16″ deep X 7.25″ wide X 12.5″ high